My goal as a teacher is to help each student truly wield the quality and sound of the flute. I incorporate primarily western methods to develop tone, breath support, a good ear, technique, and musicality. With special emphasis on the circle of 5ths, students learn basic theory and to play in all major and minor keys. I make learning fun by offering incentives and rewards for technique pass-offs. We do public recitals twice a year. Each student progresses at their own rate, but all of my students come away with clear sound and mastery of the full range of the flute.
Technique Levels
For beginners we focus on development of a quality sound. Time will be spent on just the headjoint, spitting rice, and other fun exercises to develop good embouchure and air support. About 5-minutes will be spent each lesson on rhythm with focus on basic simple and compound meters with whole, half, quarter, and eighth notes. The fingerings for the entire range of the flute will be taught at the student's pace, and applied using short melodies and tone exercises. One octave major and minor scales and arpeggios will be introduced and expected to master. Half-hour lessons are recommended for beginners. $20 per half-hour lesson. Online lessons are NOT an option for this level.
Intermediate students will discover their incredible capabilities through this technique heavy course. Two octave major and minor scales are addressed as well as syncapation, changing meter, sixteenth notes and smaller, etc. These skills will be employed through etudes in all major and minor keys. Double and tripple tonguing is taught and mastered. Vibrato is incorporated into the performance of full length pieces. The memorization of one piece of the student's choice is required. Hour lessons are recommended for Intermediate students. $30 per hour lesson. Online lessons ARE an option for this level.
Advanced students are pushed to their musical limits through competition and performance. In lessons, we will focus on detailed acuracy, masterful expression, and style. Advanced students are required to know their full-range scales at 120=quarter. They will learn their thirds. Memorization of concertos will be encouraged. Hemiola and complex rhythms will be practiced. Lessons must be at least an hour long, at $30 per hour. Online lessons are NOT an options for this lesson.